• Gower Villages


Llanrhidian is one of Gower's larger parishes and up until the beginning of the 20th century was famous for its large weaving industry. The remains of one of its larger woollen factories, Staver Hagar, can be seen at the end of the lane that stretches down to the marsh lands of the Burry Estuary. The looms here were dismantled in 1904.

One of the more distinctive features of Llanrhidian are its two standing stones - both positioned on the village green outside Llanrhidian Church. The upper of these stones can easily be identified as the remains of a Celtic Cross and a closer inspection will reveal traces of iron rods embedded both at the bottom and at the top of the stone. It is believed that this stone was once used as a village pillory.

The lower standing stone is of limestone and its history in Llanrhidian is clearly recorded in the Parish register as being raised to its present position on 8th April 1884. The 10-20 volunteers who undertook this arduous task were each rewarded with a pint of beer in the Welcome to Town public house across from the green.

The Welcome to Town was also the meeting place for the Gower United Association for the Prosecution of Felons' annual dinner. This group of land owners and farmers were responsible for the rewards offered for the apprehension of local criminals. It disbanded in 892 after a very quiet last 34 years of service - its last active case being that of sheep stealing in 1856. The public house, now a restaurant, is reputed to be haunted by the figure of a coachman, some of whom believe had dealings with this society. He has been sighted on numerous occasions occupying a table near the front window of this quiet establishment.

In an earlier century, at the foot of Llanrhidian, in one of the many gulleys and channels that scour the marshland here, the sea vessel Scanderoon Galley became grounded. The vessel carried a cargo of gold and, although much of this was rescued at the time, it is believed that the silt here still contains a veritable treasure trove of gold.

Of further interest in Llanrhidian is the now disused mill house which can be found by following the lane down past The Dolphin public house (now closed). Although no longer in operation, Nether Mill's millpond still possesses much charm and its (broken) millstone can still be viewed outside the building's eastern entrance.


  • The Gower : Llanrhidian
    The Gower : Llanrhidian

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